SIM Free iPhone 7 128GB Mobile Phone Reviews

SIM Free iPhone 7 128GB Mobile Phone Reviews

Review score: 8.7/10 – Updated June, 2024

Latest Price: £349.00

Let’s see what it is about SIM Free iPhone 7 128GB Mobile Phone that gets it a review score of 8.7/10.

SIM Free iPhone 7 128GB Mobile Phone Review

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Whenever we’re reviewing toys or gadgets, we like to explore several aspects of the product. These include the quality, price, the brand and looking at reviews from customers.

So let’s get straight to it by looking at the quality of SIM Free iPhone 7 128GB Mobile Phone.


Quality, as you’d imagine is one of the most important considerations for buying any products. This is especially true for SIM free phones.

Of course, one downside to buying online is that you aren’t able to see the product in-person. But there are many ways to help you determine a product’s quality without seeing it.

The first factor that you can look at is the brand. Often we can get a really good understanding of the quality of toys and other gadgets by just looking at the brand. There are some brands that are really well known for great quality, whilst others might be better known for value.(and some are known to be poor in both areas).

So take your time to think about the sort of brands you’d be happy to buy when buying SIM free phones.

Next up is the material. Take a look at what SIM Free iPhone 7 128GB Mobile Phone is made from. Often you can spot the quality of the product based on the materials used to make it, with some obvious signs of a cheaper product with certain types of material. With some toys this will be more important than others. So you’ll already have a good idea of whether the material is actually a big deal or not when buying SIM free phones.

Then we’re on to features. Again this will vary in importance depending on the type of toy you’re buying. You’ll no doubt have a view on whether you care about features or not for SIM free phones.

The point here though is that you can get a good idea of the quality of a product by the number and type of features that are available on the product. So take the time to look at the features listed for SIM Free iPhone 7 128GB Mobile Phone and it will help guide you on the quality.

Pricing. We’ll go into detail on the price of SIM Free iPhone 7 128GB Mobile Phone in a moment but it’s worth covering in the quality chapter here too.

The price of a product is another really good indicator of the quality because, as you’ll already know, you often get what you pay for. In the pricing section shortly you’ll see how the price of SIM Free iPhone 7 128GB Mobile Phone compares to all of the other SIM free phones available from our recommended retailer, Argos.

If the price appears to be significantly lower than you’d expect for the sort of product you’re buying, then you’d be wise to start looking in a bit more detail at other indicators of the quality.

So let’s dive into a bit more specific detail on SIM Free iPhone 7 128GB Mobile Phone, starting with the price.

Pricing of SIM Free iPhone 7 128GB Mobile Phone

As with any purchase, the price of SIM free phones is the top of the list of considerations for consumers.

With that in mind, we wanted to really explore and analyse the price of SIM Free iPhone 7 128GB Mobile Phone to see how cheap you can get it, but also see how it compares to other products. To do this we looked all the products available in the “SIM free phones” category, as well as looking at the products available from the brand Apple.

The first thing we should say before we get really into the detail on the price, is to get you to think about a budget. Budgeting is a really key part of the buying process, as without a budget you might end up blowing a lot more money than you had planned to. So take a look at your finances and get a bit of an idea of how much you are willing to spend before you take too much time shopping around.


So the first step is to look at the price of SIM Free iPhone 7 128GB Mobile Phone. Here we run a search to find the price of products that we review. If it’s a product offered by lots of retailers then we get you the best price. If it’s only offered by one retailer then we find you the latest price.

For SIM Free iPhone 7 128GB Mobile Phone the price we found was £349.00 at Argos.

Based on that price, when we compare it to the other options available, we’ve given it a price score of 9.4 out of 10.

SIM free phones category average cost

The next step for us is to look at the products in the SIM free phones category. In this category we found 143 product at Argos.

The average price of these 143 products was £488.41, making it below average at £349.00.

Next we looked at how much the price of products can vary. The product that costs the most, that we found, was £1399.00 and the lowest was £14.95.

After that, we worked out how many products were more expensive or cheaper. From the 143 products, 76 cost more and 66 cost less than SIM Free iPhone 7 128GB Mobile Phone.

Prices from Apple

Now we’re moving on to look at how much you can expect to pay for products from Apple.

In total we found 165 products. The average cost of the 165 was £551.21 so SIM Free iPhone 7 128GB Mobile Phone is below average.

The highest cost of any product we found from Apple was £2799.00 and cheapest £9.00. Of all the products from Apple, 72 of them cost more and 90 cost less.

Apple items in SIM free phones category

Then we went a step further to look specifically at items made by Apple but they had to feature specifically in the category of: SIM free phones. 27 items met this criteria in total over at Argos. The average cost of these items was £825.33, which makes SIM Free iPhone 7 128GB Mobile Phone below average.

After that we again looked to see how much the prices can vary for Apple SIM free phones. The highest cost was £1374.00, whilst the cheapest was £299.00.


It’s why you’re here of course. Or at least it’s how you found this page. Reviews. These are the most important consideration before you commit to make a purchase online. As with any toys, gadgets or games you’d want to try before you buy, but it’s not that simple when buying online (and actually with many retailers in-store too).

But reviews can really help to replace the fact that you can see the product first. Especially if you are lucky enough to get the reviews that really go into detail on the product, features, benefits and durability after the reviewer has used the product over an extended period.

The other thing we love about customer reviews, is that they have no hidden agenda. They’re not getting paid to write the review, so for the most part, they’re unbiased and just giving genuine useful feedback.

For our review we’ve scored SIM Free iPhone 7 128GB Mobile Phone 8.2 out of 10. We take a number of criteria into account here including what customers have to say about the product, the features, quality and price.

As you’d imagine, reviews are extremely important to you and other future buyers. It can help you to decide whether you go with SIM Free iPhone 7 128GB Mobile Phone or to start looking at other SIM free phones like SIM Free iPhone SE 64GB Mobile Phone reviews or SIM Free iPhone SE 128GB Mobile Phone reviews. Or there are even other products that you could consider, or at least spend some time reading the reviews of, such as SIM Free iPhone SE 256GB Mobile Phone reviews. Or if you’d be interested in something different again then perhaps Sim Free iPhone XR 64GB Mobile Phone reviews or Sim Free iPhone Xs 64GB Mobile Phone reviews.

Whatever you do end up choosing, we’d love to hear your views. If you do go on to buy any of the SIM free phones that we review, please leave a comment with your thoughts at the bottom of this page. You never know, your helpful review might just help another customer just like you to find their perfect item.


As we mentioned earlier, the brand you choose is quite a personal thing. We each have our own views on which brands are best suited for our needs and that goes for anything we’re buying. Even toys, gadgets, games and SIM free phones.

Our suggestion here is that you spend a bit of time looking around to see the sort of brands that are offering SIM free phones and if you know you have a preference on which brand you’d buy then write yourself a list of top brands. Once you have complied your list of brands you can use this as a great way of filtering or narrowing down your search, great then there are 143 options in the SIM free phones category.

Some brands are better known for delivering great quality, and as you’re on our SIM Free iPhone 7 128GB Mobile Phone review you’re probably already well aware of how good quality Apple SIM free phones are.

SIM Free iPhone 7 128GB Mobile Phone Review

SIM Free iPhone 7 128GB Mobile Phone on YouTube

You can’t beat a video review. As we mentioned earlier, one of the downsides to buying online is the inability to actually see and test the product. This is where videos can really help to bridge the gap and give you an almost just as good alternative.

The video below has been found by searching for SIM Free iPhone 7 128GB Mobile Phone on YouTube.


To summarise, we’re hugely impressed overall with SIM Free iPhone 7 128GB Mobile Phone in terms of the price, how it compares to alternatives. The quality is obviously very good and there aren’t many options that deliver such a great overall package for the money.

So overall we’ve given it a score of 8.7/10

Additional Details

  • Product ID 1: 6014296
  • Product ID 2: 6014296
  • Brand: Apple
  • Model number: 190198069306
  • MPN: 6014296
  • Delivery time:
  • Warranty:
  • Category: Technology > Mobile phones and accessories > SIM free phones

General Advice

We also thought it would be really useful to give you some top tips to help you when shopping online. Rest assured that shopping online is safer now than ever before, with the advanced security features we now benefit from when buying online.

That said, these top tips will help you along the way.

Firstly, always make sure you’re clued up on online shopping. If you’re fairly new to it then we’d suggest you take a bit of time reading advice from trusted websites like Wikipedia or Money Advice Service.

Buy from trusted comapanies – it sounds obvious but don’t get suckered into a deal that looks too good to be true and buy from an unheard of retailer. Only buy from brands that you’re familiar with, especially if it’s expensive goods. There are of course many amazing independent retailers out there that offer fantastic service, so if you choose to use a retailer that you haven’t heard of, do some due-diligence to check them out first. There are great sites to check a company’s reputation like TrustPilot.

Look at the payment options available where possible it’s better to use a payment option that can offer you added peace of mind and protection. Often where it’s available we would choose to use Paypal. Credit and debit card are the most popular options, so just check that your browser shows the little padlock next to the website address, as this indicates that you’re on a secure connection with the website.


Thank you for reading our SIM Free iPhone 7 128GB Mobile Phone review tips and guidance. As we mentioned earlier, if you do go on to buy one of these products mentioned, please do drop us a comment as it will be great help to other customers like you.

Your next step is to go-ahead and read any customer reviews over at Argos, which you can find by clicking the green button below.

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